25 Awesome Love Lock Locations From Around The World

Nothing says love more than a romantic, beautiful location where you can happily celebrate your affection and intimacy with someone you adore.

All anyone ever wants, is to find that special someone and live together happily ever after. Love locks symbolize eternal love and are used to strengthen the commitment and bind the couple in everlasting romance.

There are dozens of gorgeous love lock locations across the globe, where you can visit and hang love locks to honor your one true love. In this article i have added a list of 25 awesome love lock locations from around the world.

1. Pont des Arts Bridge, Paris

  • Location: Paris
  • Addition of love locks: Discouraged

A love lock in the most romantic city in the world! It really doesn’t get any better than this.

Passerelle des Arts Bridge, or more popularly known as Pont des Arts, is a pedestrian bridge located in Paris on the River Seine. This bridge is actually famous for the thousands of lock locks that hang on it.

Since 2008, people from all over the world hang engraved locks on the bridge and then throw away the key into the river. The love lock is said to represent the commitment of the couple. It is estimated that the weight of the love locks in the bridge may be about 93 metric tons. In 2015, the locks ended up making the bridge so heavy that the French authorities had to remove hundreds of love locks as there was a danger of the bridge collapsing.

Construction of the Ponte des Arts Bridge began in the year 1981, and it was finally completed it 1984. Hanging love locks on the bridge is not a French tradition but was started in 2008. Unfortunately, the locks ended up making the bridge so heavy that part of the parapet on the beautiful bridge actually collapsed under the weight of the love locks. This forced the authorities to start the ” Love Without Locks” campaign, which encouraged tourists to take selfies on the bridge instead of hanging love locks.

2. Mt. Huangshan, China

  • Location: China
  • Addition of new love locks: Encouraged

The Yellow Mountain, which is also known as Mount Huangshan, is located in the eastern province of Anhui. The beautiful peak is referred to as “the loveliest mountain in China,” and it definitely is a romantic site to see.

The foot of the mountain is linked by metal chains and poles that are covered with hundreds of charming engraved love locks, which are hung there by couples as a symbol of their everlasting love — the keys and then thrown below into the valley of the most.

Many people claim that love locks are actually an old Chinese tradition, although, in Europe, its roots can be traced back to Italian love novels. Several different stories surround the origin of the love locks on Mount Huangshan; some say that they relate to the Chinese folklore, Yue-Laou, who was a patron saint of marriage and love. Others believe that that the love locks have been inspired by the true story of lovers that jumped from the top of the mountain, hand in hand.

Many even go as far as to claim that the throwing of the keys is a symbol of good luck and that it is the same as throwing coins in a well- it coincides with making a wish.

No matter what the real origin story of the love locks is, hundreds of people come from around the world and embrace the affixing locks on Mount Huangshan and marvel over the romantic aura of the entire place.

3. Brooklyn Bridge, New York

From Rome to Paris to Ukraine, the tradition of love locks has also reached the United States of America.

Tourists from all over the world flock to the Brooklyn Bridge in New York, where they attach engraved love locks to the bridge’s pedestrian promenade. The Brooklyn Bridge is a hybrid suspension bridge in the city of New York. It connects Brooklyn and Manhattan and runs over the East River. The Brooklyn Bridge is a New York City designated landmark, and it was designed by John Augustus Roebling.

The bridge has become a place where lovers gather and make a commitment to their love. Couples mark their names on a padlock and then attach it to the bridge and throw the key away.

This romantic gesture is, however, being discouraged by the authorities as it the love locks amp up the maintenance costs. You can no longer hang your own love lock without receiving a fine of around $100, but that does not mean that you cannot visit.

The Brooklyn Bridge is a beautiful place with an even more amazing view and is covered in love locks that help to provide the Brooklyn Bridge with a romantic feel. The best time to walk to the bridge is at sunrise and not sunset, at this specific time, the bridge is less crowded, and the sunrise reflects beautifully off the buildings of lower Manhattan, which is definitely a sight to behold.

4. Hohenzollern Bridge, Germany

  • Location: Germany
  • Addition of new love locks: Allowed

Collections are a fanciful thing. Walking through a private space or a museum that is filled with dozens of interrelated pieces carefully curated by one or more devoted fans or experts, one cannot help but feel the sense of wonder as well as awe.

Imagine if that same collection were actually made by thousands of unrelated individuals contributing to the same magnificent masterpiece, the sense of wonder would definitely increase a thousandfold.

The Hohenzollern Bridge, located in Germany, showcases exactly such a beautiful masterpiece. Tourists from all over the world visit the bridge and hang engraved padlocks from the railings of the German bridge, each of them painted, decorated, or inscribed by the couple that hangs it.

The Hohenzollern Bridge is a bridge that crosses the river Rhine in Cologne, a city of Germany. In its initial days, the bridge was used as both a railway and road bridge, but after world war two, the bridge was only accessible to pedestrian traffic as well as rail. The Hohenzollern Bridge was made between the year 1907 and 1911 and was designed by Franz Heinrich Schwechten.

There are about 40,000 love locks on the bridge, and is it estimated that about 40,000 to 80,000 couples have hung love locks on the beautiful bridge. The padlocks have become too heavy for the bridge, and this has raised alarms among officials.

The magnificent row of padlocks hanging on the bridge is a breath-taking sight. Couples hang love locks as a symbol of their everlasting love, and they then drop the key over the edge, which falls into the bright waters of the river Rhine. Tens of thousands of keys now line the river bed.


  • Location: South Korea
  • Addition of new love locks: Encouraged

N Seoul Tower is actually a romantic pilgrimage for couples who desire to commit to one another and embrace eternal love. The N Seoul Tower is different than any love lock location on the list as unlike the French or the American authorities; the government in Korea encourages couples to leave love locks in a specifically designed area. The government has gone as far as to commission metal trees and hearts, especially for this purpose. There are no restrictions on love there.

Thousands of tourists visit the N Seoul Tower and hang their love locks, engraved with their names and decorated according to their own wishes. The message of love is scattered all around the base of the magnificent tower.

The N Seoul Tower is officially known as the YTN Seoul Tower-more popularly called the Seoul Tower or the Namsan Tower. It is an observation and communication building that is situated in central Seoul in South Korea. The tower is actually the second-highest point in all Seoul. The wonderful structure was built in 1971 and was the first general radio wave tower in Seoul. The tower broadcasts signals for Korean media outlets like MBC, KBS, and SBS. The tower itself isn’t what tourists flock to see- the romantic base is the attraction.

In 2011, about two thousand foreign visitors hung love locks on the fence of the tower as a symbol of love. The place has been depicted in many Korean television shows, movies as well as dramas. The visitors there speak different languages, but they all have smiles on their faces as they take the same romantic journey together.


PC; Gettyimages.com
  • Location: China
  • Addition of new love locks: Encouraged

The Lu Xun Park is a beautiful and interesting place that has a whimsical structure called the Love Tree. The sculpture was designed especially for lovers and to offer coupled a place to mark their love and celebrate it.

Couples make this romantic pilgrimage to the Lu Xun Park, where they hang love locks, engraved with their names, decorated with different colors and patterns and symbols of their eternal love for one another. The coupled proceed by throwing away the key; this completes the entire cycle.

The Lu Xun Park, which was previously known as the Hongou park, is located in the Hongkou District of Shangai, China. The park has actually been named after the famous Chinese writer Lu Xun. The park is also the location of the Lu Xun Museum and the tomb of Lu Xun. The park itself is situated near the former residence of Lu Xun, where he spent the last years of his life from 1933 to 1936.

The Love Tree is different from other structures, as most of them just collapse under the weight of the love locks, but this beautiful artificial tree has the capacity to hold on to additional weight. The Chinese authorities actually encourage lovers and couples to leave love locks on the tree in order to symbolize their eternal love for one another. It’s a place that every couple should definitely visit when in Shanghai, China. The place is a paradise for lovers.


  • Location: Moscow
  • Addition of new love locks: Encouraged

The Luzhkov Bridge is located in the capital of Russia, Moscow. It is home to dozens of trees, each support hundreds of love locks hung there by tourists from all over the world. The locks symbolize a couple’s eternal love in marriage and commitment.

This romantic bridge is where married couples write their names on padlocks, which are mostly heart-shaped and then hang it on one of the many metal tree frames on the Luzhkov bridge.

Many newlyweds visit the bridge to mark their commitment to one another, even brides in their wedding gowns have been seen hanging love locks and praying for their romantic journey.

There is a tradition that if either one of the parties that hangs the lock locks in the first place has to dive into the freezing as well as polluted water of the Moscow River and retrieve their key in order to end their union.

At first, the bridge itself was supposed to be a place where you could hang the padlocks, this later changed, and metallic trees were added to the bridge in order to encourage more people to hang their love locks.

Russians value their fairy tales and folklore, and so they fell in love with the idea of hanging love locks on the bridge in order to solidify their romantic union, especially the idea of retrieving a key among thousands just to end the union attracted them. As this tradition spread, the divorce rates in the region eventually declined.

Even if you do not find space on the bridge, you can hang your lock on numerous metallic trees that have been erected in ten different streets in Moscow. Each tree holds hundreds, even thousands of padlocks, old and new.


PC: Architecturaldigest.com
  • Location: United States
  • Addition of new love locks: Not Allowed

In the year 2017, The Massachusetts Avenue Bridge, located in Boston, went thought several reconstructions, including chain links, new pavement, and a new love lock less appearance of the bridge.

The Avenue Bridge is mostly used by college students and became a sight for hanging love locks. The government, however, was not too happy with this as the weight of the love locks were a threat to the safety of the bridge.

The bridge was once a place where people from all over the city, especially young people, engraved their names on love locks and then hung those locks on the metal fence on the Avenue Bridge.

The bridge itself is present over a highway, and the scenery is not something out of a romantic novel but still a place where lovers hung their love locks once. Similarly, as mentioned before, the NYC bridge fines anyone who attempts to latch a love lock onto the bridge now; the authorities of Boston might start doing the same thing soon.

9. Butchers Bridge, Slovenia

  • Location: Slovenia
  • Addition of new love locks: Allowed

The Butcher’s Bridge is actually a pedestrian bridge that crosses over the river Ljubljanica and is present in the city Ljubljana which is the capital of Slovenia. The bridge is about a decade old, and we opened in the year 2010. Although the bridge was constructed just ten years ago, the idea of the bridge was actually expressed by Joze Plecnik, who was an architect in the 1930s.

When the bridge finally opened in the year 2010, it became rather famous, mostly because of the romantic aura that surrounded it. As soon as the bridge was open, different people and couples began to hang engraved love locks of different sizes and colors to the metal fence of the bridge. These love locks are actually declarations of love and commitment.

As a tourist or a visitor, you can buy a love lock from a nearby souvenir shop, decorate the love lock according to your desire, and then get it engraved. Every day more and more love locks appear on the bridge; what started with just a couple of locks has now become a love lock romantic sanctuary with hundreds of beautiful love locks.

The bridge is home to a lot of things other than just love locks. The largest sculptures on the bridge are of Adam and Eve after they were shamed and banished from Heaven, once they gave in to the temptation of the Serpent. The bridge also has a statue of Prometheus disemboweled and running as punishment with providing humankind with knowledge.

10. Penang, Malysia

  • Location: Malaysia
  • Addition of new love locks: Encouraged

Just like the Brooklyn Bridge in New York and the Love Trees in Moscow, Penang Malaysia has its own tale of romance and love. You can find not hundreds but thousands of beautiful love locks atop the scenic Penang Hill.

Tourists and visitors can purchase a love lock of various colors and sizes at the Penang Hill Food Centre and hang it on 80 feet wide fence on the open-air observation deck. Couples make this romantic pilgrimage to Penang, write their names on the love locks, and then decorate them according to their wishes. They then proceed by throwing the key away, and this marks the end of the romantic cycle, which is a symbol of commitment and eternal love.

The fence is present upon Penang Hill, which provides a beautiful view and a place where lovers can celebrate their love and hang locks to bind their love and adoration for one another.

Penang is actually a state in Malaysia that is situated on the northwest coast of Peninsular Malaysia by the Malacca Strait. It’s a pretty happening tourist spot and a place that encourages lovers to celebrate their love. The state is highly diverse in ethnicity, religion, language, and class, which means that all kinds of different people visit Penang Hill, but they all go perform the same romantic ritual. It’s true when they say; love has no language!

The tradition of hanging locks in Penang is fairly new, and it started on Valentine’s Day in 2014 honestly, what better day is there to hang love locks and perform this romantic pilgrimage.

11. Tamuning, Guam

  • Location: Guam
  • Addition of new love locks: Allowed

This romantic place has a rather thrilling story behind it. According to the local legend, two lovers tied their hair together at the scene, and then they jumped off this beautiful cliff after they were not allowed to marry one another. Their love as doomed, and they choose to end their life hand in hand.

The Two Lovers Point in Tamuning Guam is a place where couples from all over the world come to hang engraved love locks of different sizes and colors. The Two Lovers Point offers an amazing ocean view, and couples are seen strolling along the beach, and the place is famous for being a proposal hot spot. What better place is there to get proposed?

The best thing about a romantic place is that you can even book it for weddings. There is also a gallery nearby where different artists showcase their work. The gates are filled with locks of different shapes and colors and are a symbol or eternal love and happiness. Most couples, after hanging the love lock, choose to throw the key into the ocean, thus making the commitment permanent.

The Two Lovers Point actually started off with just a few heart-shaped locks, and now has become a beautiful and romantic tourist attraction — a place where couples can come to celebrate their marriage or even their love for one another. The wall symbolizes the eternal love of couples from all over the world.


  • Location: Italy
  • Addition of new love locks: No Space

The Casa Di Giulietta is located in the center of the city, in Verona, Italy. The place is actually heaven of lovers, with one of the world’s most famous romantic stories behind it-Casa Di Giulietta is a place every couple should visit at least once in their lifetime.

The place offers the house of Juliet, and in the courtyard stands an erect bronze statue of Juliet with one breast exposed. Behind on the wall of Juliet’s house, people can hang love locks with their names written on it. Due to a large number of people that visit the site every year, people are no longer allowed to hang love locks, but it’s still a beautiful place to see.

The walls are not just lined with love locks but love notes as well. You can also take a tour inside Juliet’s house, which still has the original furniture and a few Renaissance costumes. The wall is filled with love notes and love locks, so you may have a hard time finding a place to hang yours, but still, the place is still worth a trip.

What place is better than the wall of Juliet’s house to hang love locks and profess your love to your partner?

The entire story of Romeo and Juliet was located in Verona, and Shakespeare describes the houses and squares that are very easily recognizable. The story is a mixture of fiction and reality, and Juliet’s house was actually owned by the Cappello family, who was a rich Veronese family associated with the Capulet’s from Romeo and Juliet.


PC: Wikipedia.com
  • Location: Serbia
  • Addition of new love locks: Allowed

Most Ljubavi is actually a pedestrian bridge, which in English is called the Bridge of Love. It is situated in Vrnjacka Banja in Serbia. The Bridge is known to be the founder of the love lock tradition, and couples often leave love locks on the railings of the Bridge as a sign of their everlasting love.

The Bridge is one of the most popular landmarks in Vrnjacka Banja and its best known among the 15 bridges of the town. The history of the love locks on the Bridge goes back at least a century. It is said that a local schoolmistress named Nada fell in love with Relja, who was a Serbian Officer. Once they promised themselves to each other, Relja went to fight a war in Greece, where he unluckily fell in love with a local woman from Corfu. Nada was thus forced to break off her engagement to Relja. Nada couldn’t bear the loss and soon died.

Young girls from the town did not want to have the same fate and so in order to bind their love, they began to hang love locks in the Bridge and started writing their names together with the names of the ones they love. These locks were hung on the railings of the Bridge where Nada and Relja used to meet. The tradition soon died out, but it regained popularity once the poet and writer Desanka Maksimovic mentioned it in his poem called A Prayer for Love. Since then, the Bridge is called the Bridge of love, and people still hang love locks on it.


  • Location: Canada
  • Addition of new love locks: Allowed

Locking down love never been this easy, especially in Toronto, Canada. The Distillery District is a residential and commercial district in Toronto, Canada. The district is home to several shops, buildings, cafes, and restaurants, and it is also a site for all who love romance.

The Distillery District Landmark is made up of festooning bridges and fences which are decorated with dozens of beautiful, colorful love locks. The Canadian authorities did snip most of the love locks off as they thought that the love locks were not aesthetically pleasing.

As a tourist or a visitor, you can buy a love lock from different people who have stalls there and add your pretty little padlock to the love shaped frame and bind your eternal love. The location of the love metal frame is not as glamorous as most of the locations mentioned on this list, but it’s still a romantic place to go.

The entire structure is filled with love locks, and you might find it hard to search for a place to hang your own special love lock. Nevertheless, you can just visit the place and the take in the romantic vibe that surrounds it. It’s difficult to find such romantic places is commercial hubs such as Toronto, and this place is definitely a rare find.

The 9-meter long LOVE shaped structure is made up of local reclaimed lumber as well as steel, and it easily goes with the Distillery’s industrial-chic vibe. Visit the place today and hang your token of love!


  • Location: Denmark
  • Addition of new love locks: Allowed

The Bryggebroen is a pedestrian/bicycle bridge that is located in Copenhagen and is joined with the Cykelslangen bridge and Kalvebod Brygge. The bridge is quite popular because of its great collection of love locks.

The bridge opened in the year 2006, and its name was suggested by the Danish daily Politiken in which more than 200 names were submitted, and then the name Bryggebroen was elected. The bridge since its opening has been slowly receiving an array of love locks. The love locks on this bridge are much more simple and basic as compared to the other places mentioned on this list.

Couples make their romantic pilgrimage to this bridge in Denmark, and they hang engraved love locks, decorated in accordance with their desire, and then then they throw their key into the canal.

The city officials actually encourage lovers to leave symbols of their love on the bridge, unlike other countries such as France and The United States of America. The authorities have no plans to remove the love locks from the bridge anytime soon. The government does expect many more padlocks to join the party, but they will most likely not do anything about it, and the padlocks will remain where they are.

Looking over the harbor, a line of multicolor houses, the beautiful blue canal, and dozens of boats is definitely a sight to see, add some love locks, and this place truly is one of the most romantic places in the world. A wonderful place where you can profess your love to your partner and bind them in a lock of eternal love and commitment.


  • Location: Netherlands
  • Addition of new love locks: Not Allowed

Amsterdam is definitely one of the most romantic cities in the world with its breath-taking scenic beauty, magnificent canals, and beautiful bridges. It’s a city where you would actually expect to see love locks everywhere. Unfortunately, in Amsterdam, there are only two places where you can find love locks. De Staalmeestersbrug and de Magere Brug.

The love locks on the Magere Brug have recently been extremely pruned by the Amsterdam authorities, so only a few are left-clinging alone onto the bridge’s warning light.

The Staalmeestersburg with the Zuiderkerk tower in the background provides a much better view. You can attach your engraved and decorated love locks on the chains of the bridge. The bridge is a beautiful place which fairs for an even more amazing view. An aura of romance surrounds the place, and it really doesn’t get any better than that.

The Staalmeestersburg bridge is actually one of the most famous bridges in Amsterdam, specifically due to the love locks it holds. For a taste of beauty, wonder, and romance, you should definitely visit this place as it has it is a place right out of a romance novel or a fairy tale. A place where couples profess their deep love for one another and hang love locks as a symbol of eternal love and happiness. People from all over the world come to visit and attach love notes or hang padlocks on the chains of this bridge. It is quite a popular tourist attraction.


  • Location: Italy
  • Addition of new love locks: Not Allowed

The Milvian Bridge or the Ponte Milvio/Ponte Molle Bridge is a bridge situated over the Tiber in northern Rome, Italy. The bridge was a very important economically strategic bridge in the days of the Roman Empire, and it was also the site of the Battle of the Milvian Bridge. The bridge was constructed in 115 BC.

The bridge is not just a place where a historic battle was fought but also a romantic location where couples from all over the globe come to celebrate their love and commitment with one another. Coupled began to hang love locks on the bridge after the release of the popular movie as well as the book “I want you” by the author Federico Moccia. The love locks meant to symbolize the locking of hearts, inspired the story described in the novel.

Couples began to attach love locks on the lamp post on the bridge as a token of their love. Once the lock was in place, the couple threw away the key into the water body below. The lamp post unfortunately partially collapsed in the year 2007 due to the excess weight of the love locks. Most parts of the bridge, such as the railings, garbage bins, and balustrades, were used to hang love locks. The authorities of Rome hence imposed a fine on anyone found attaching locks to the bridge.

In 2012, unluckily, the love locks were removed from the bridge. That did not stop the love lock tradition from stopping, and it quickly spread all over Italy.


  • Location: Paris
  • Addition of new love locks: Not Allowed

The Flame of Liberty is located in Paris and is a large, gold leaf-covered replica of the torch from the Statue of Liberty, which is present in New York. The structure is 3.5 meters in height, executed in gilded copper, 3.5 meters in height, and is supported by a pedestal of gray and black marble. The beautiful structure was offered by the International Herald Tribune.

The Flame of Liberty is a lasting symbol of the friendship between the United States of America and France. The beautiful structure also became the unofficial memorial of the Princess of Wales, Diana. The shrine is packed with different kinds of love locks and love notes that help to tell romantic tales.

The couple writes their names on love locks decorate the padlock in accordance with their wishes and hang them near the flame of liberty. The structure also celebrates the life of Princess Diana, so most of the love locks and love notes are addressed to her. Many pictures of the late princess are tacked at the base of the glorious structure, from beautiful emotive shots of the late princess with her two children, William, and Harry to royal portraits. Flowers are laid their all year round.

Many tourists individually or in groups come to the Flame of Liberty, linger around for a while and take pictures. They also take some time to read the notes and pray for Princess Diana and remember her.

Paris is the most romantic city in the world, and it is not shocking at all that has two points where you can hang love locks and celebrate your love and commitment.


PC: Trover.com
  • Location: Lisbon
  • Addition of new love locks: Allowed

The Padrao dos Descobrimentos is a monument which is situated in the northern bank of the Tagus River estuary in Lisbon. It is located along the river on which merchant ships traveled to India and the Orient. The monument was erected to the Portuguese Age of Discovery, which was during the 15th and 16th Centuries.

The monument is actually pretty famous, and it was even featured in Lisa Stansfield’s music video for her song “Change,” in which she walks up and down the eastern ledge. The beautiful monument was also featured in the 23rd season of the American reality series, The Amazing Race.

The beautiful structure is also known as the Monument of Love. It is actually one of the most famous romantic tourist destinations in Portugal. The structure consists of four huge three-dimensional letters that together spell the word LOVE.

Tourists and visitors can hang love locks with their names engraved on them and decorated according to their wishes on the monument. The Padrao dos Descobrimentos is home to hundreds and thousands of love locks. The water in the background makes the place seem even more beautiful and romantic. The place is definitely a hot spot for newlyweds and couples; it’s a place where they can celebrate their eternal love and symbolize their commitment to one another.

The best thing about the Padrao Dos Descobrimentos is that unlike other love lock locations at this place, the government actually encourages the visitors to hang their tokens of love, and there is no fine or penalty, and the authorities are not removing the love locks, anytime in the near future.


PC: Thousandwonders.com
  • Location: United States
  • Addition of new love locks: Allowed

The Stan Musial Veterans Memorial Bridge, which is also known as the New Mississippi River Bridge or the Stan Span, is a bridge that runs across the Mississippi River, as evident from the name. The bridge was built between 2010 and the year 2013, and it finally was opened to the public in 2014.

The Stab Musial Veterans Memorial Bridge was actually named after Stanley, who was an MVP baseball player and was also popularly called Stan the Man. This bridge is not really as romantic as the bridge in Paris, or the structure is Lisbon, but it’s certainly getting there. It is actually one of the lesser-known locations where you can hang love locks. This is actually a benefit for couples as they get the privacy they need, and the authorities do not plan to take down the love locks anytime soon.

If you want to hang a love lock and celebrate your eternal love for your partner, but you do not want to get stuck in a crowded place with a million other lovers, then this is definitely the place for you and your partner.

It is really hard to find romantic places in urban areas, but Missouri does manage to provide a relatively decent area for couples to embark on their journey of love and symbolize their commitment with a love lock. The bridge is absolutely breathtaking at night, and a romantic stroll is all you need to feel appreciated and loved. So take a stroll on this beautiful bridge and hang your token of love.

21. Mala Strana District, Prague

  • Location: Prague
  • Addition of new love locks: Allowed

Mala Strana, which is also known as Mensi Mesto Prazske, is a district of the city of Prague in the Czech Republic. It is actually one of the most historic neighborhoods in the city. The city used to be an ethnic center for Germans and even Italians in the Middle Ages. The place is also the site of many noble palaces.

The district has a very romantic vibe, and the historic touch amplifies the sensation of love. The district is home to a small pedestrian bridge that is present over a sidearm of the Vltava. The bridge is beautifully decorated with hundreds of love locks, all of different sizes, shapes, and colors. This trend is slowly taking over all of Europe. Couples and newly-weds engrave their names on love locks, paint them and decorate them. Then they hang the love locks on the bridge to symbolize their love and proceed by throwing away the key.

Lovers hang the locks to seal their love. There is a graffiti mural near the bridge which says All you need is love. The local legend is that there is a romantic tale behind the bridge, just like Romeo and Juliet.

The couple belonged to two prominent Czech families who were caught in a feud. The two lovers planned to meet at the bridge and kiss, but unfortunately, their respective families discovered their secret, and the two were killed. The tale does not really have a happy ending, but still, people come to the bridge to share their love and to bond their relationship.


  • Location: England
  • Addition of new love locks: Allowed

The best thing about London is that there isn’t just one place where you can find and hang love locks, but there are several. Love locks are a romantic way for couples to declare that their love is absolute and eternal, and it cannot end. In London, you can leave love locks on the Tower Bridge or the Embankment. Many people even leave love locks at the train station.

People mostly leave love locks in the hip Shoreditch locale, on the fence that surrounds the vacant Bishopsgate Goods Yard. The structure is not permanent, but the love locks left on it symbolize eternal love.

Couples inscribe their names or their initials on a padlock and then hang it onto the fence as a token of their love and a memento of their unbreakable bond. Apart from dozens of love locks, the Shoreditch fence also features colored twine and wool, which is woven around the diamond shape mesh of hearts.

Just opposite the site is a locksmith, maybe comes in handy once the relationship fails or the love diminishes. The whole scenario is kind of ironic at best.

There have been many love locks sightings on the London Bridge as well. London is a metropolitan and is home to a diverse population that belongs to different ethinicities, religions and race. This mixture helps London to function the way it does today, with an array of cuisines and hence a variety of different people who come with different folk tales and brilliant love stories. No wonder love locks are such a hit in London!


  • Location: Hungary
  • Addition of new love locks: Allowed

Pecs is located on the slopes of the Mecsek mountains and is the fifth largest city of Hungary, and it’s close to the border with Croatia. The city is the economic as well as the administrative center of Baranya County. Pecs was actually turned into one of the most famous art centers of Hungary by bishop Janus Pannonius, who was a great humanist poet as well.

Pecs has a rather rich heritage as it was part of the 150-year long Ottoman occupation. The city also includes beautiful buildings such as the mosque of Pasha Qasim, the Victorious, which is situated on the Szechenyi square.

With such a rich history, it’s not shocking that Pecs would be among this list of the best love lock locations in the world. The Love Lock Wall in the city is located in the downtown of Pecs, on the Janus Pannonius Street. The love wall is present between two closed iron fences. Tourists from everywhere visit the wall and hang their engraved love locks of different colors and then throw away the key.

The love locks symbolize their eternal love for one another, and the lock binds that romance. There are many stories about the origin of the wall of love, but the most popularly accepted one dates back to the year 1971. They say that some teenagers started the trend by attaching love locks after they graduated from high school. Another legend claims that married women showcased love to their lovers by using love locks when their husbands were not home. No matter what the story actually is, this beautiful wall celebrated love and romance in the most glorious way.


  • Location: Italy
  • Addition of new love locks: Allowed

The Cinque Terre is a tourism hub and is a coastal area located within Liguria, in the northwest part of Italy. The place compromises of five different villages, Corniglia, Monterosso al Mare, Vernazza, Manarola, and Riomaggiore.

Over time people have built terraces on the steep, rugged landscape right up to the cliffs that provide a beautiful view of the sea. Trains, paths, and boats connect the villages, and you cannot travel in between them by cars. The villagers marry within the villages, and they rarely go looking for spouses outside their territories. The path that connects the villages has thus become a love path as it helps people to meet their beloved.

The trail was closed due to persistent landslides, and then after world war to it became a point where lovers met. The pathway of love is bejeweled with love locks, with engraved names and of different shapes and colors. A cluster of padlocks can be witnessed under the tunnel, on the Manarola side. Hanging love locks on bridges with your lover’s name has become a trend in Italy, and many love lock locations have emerged throughout the country.

The hike itself is super romantic as you can stroll around with your better half and gaze upon the beautiful blue sea below. As a tourist or a visitor, you can buy love locks of different patterns, sizes, and shaped at any souvenir store and get your names engraved on it. Go ahead and hang the symbol of your love on the railings beside the path and celebrate your love, marriage, and commitment.

  • Location: China
  • Addition of new love locks:


  • Location: Uruguay
  • Addition of new love locks: Encouraged

The Fuente de Los Candados, also is known as the Fountain of Locks, is a fountain made of stone on a street corner in Montevideo. The fountain is not something you will remember under normal circumstances, were it not for the not hundreds but thousands of love locks that cover it.

The Fountain of Locks is located in Montevideo in Uruguay. Montevideo is actually the capital city and also the largest city in Uruguay. The city houses about one-third of the total population of the country. The city was founded by Bruno Mauricio de Zabala, who was a Spanish soldier in the year 1724. The city is thought to be one of the first cities in Latin America.

The stone fountain was installed by the owner of the famous restaurant Bar Facal on the street corner, at the time the staff had no idea that the fountain would become the city’s most enduring symbol of love.

The fountain is made up of volcanic stone, which was imported from Puerto Vallarta in Mexico. The fountain itself sat in the storage area for about a decade until it was finally decided to install it. A metal railing surrounds the fountain with the duty of protecting the structure. Soon people began to hang padlocks on the railing as a symbol of their love.

The owners were more than happy to allow people to hang their tokens of love onto the railing of the fountain, as it was obviously great for business — the more, the merrier. The fountain has now become a center point for lowers.