Today, we are here to look at some really cool Argonian names. Now, what you need to be aware of is that these are probably not names for your child.
For those of you who don’t know, Argonians are a race of lizard people that are featured in a variety of fantasy video games. These include ones such as Elder Scrolls and Skyrim.
Although these might not be names for your child, they are certainly cool names for your next character. However, before we start providing you with plenty of Argonian name examples, we do want to spend a bit of time talking about Argonians in some more detail.
As you will see, some of these names can be quite weird and complex. Let’s find out everything there is to know about Argonians and their names.
All About Argonians
As mentioned above, Argonians are a race of lizard people or anthropomorphic lizards that are very popular in fantasy worlds.
These Argonians anthropomorphic lizard people were first introduced in the very popular Elder ScrollsAarena game. Argonians generally serve as the inspiration for anthropomorphic lizards in all of our modern video games.
These Argonians feature a somewhat human like body and they do stand on two legs. However, just like lizards, they also have scales, usually green or brown, along with a very long and wide tail. They may also be adorned with horns and feathers. What we want to do now is to take a closer look at these Argonians naming conventions.
What is important to note about Argonians as people is that they have a history of suffering. Yes, they do often have big triumphs, but the suffering is never far behind. A part of this has to do with the fact that Argonians come from a place known as the land of the black marsh.
This is an area that is extremely deadly for most living beings. There are plenty of extremely dangerous animals and diseases present.
Argonians tend to be the only creatures that can survive in this black marsh area. This is a swamp that they call home. Argonians are very closely connected to nature. They also have a very strong and hardy culture.
Argonian Naming Conventions
Now, let’s take a closer look at our gonyon naming conventions. There are technically three different types of Argonian names, there are names that are single words, there are hyphenated Argonian names, and Tamrielic Argonian names.
If the Argonian was born in the black marsh and has drank in the sap of a special tree, they will get either a single word name or a hyphenated name. However, if they were born outside of the swamp or if their normal name is inappropriate, they will get a Tamrielic name.
In terms of the single word names for Argonians, they generally have very basic sounds and no more than four syllables. There also tends to be a very heavy emphasis on a variety of vowels including U, E, and A. In terms of the consonants, they generally come from the back half of the alphabet.
If we are talking about hyphenated Argonian names, these generally take the form of dual or triple single word Argonian names that are placed together. Each half of the name generally has either one or three syllables. There’s still tends to be a greater focus on those three vowels, U, E, and A.
If we are talking about Tamrielic names, these are more or less just a series of words strung together. They may or may not be hyphenated. There can be up to five words in a single name. Generally speaking, there tends to be an adjective or a verb followed by a noun, of course in the Argonian language.
Argonian Names for Males
let’s take a look at some examples of some common Argonian names for males. We will be looking at all three types of names as discussed above.
- Amusei
- Asum
- Chuna
- Deekus
- Madesi
- Teegla
- Ukawei
- Usha
- Ajum-Kajin
- An-Zaw
- Deetum-Ja
- Geem-Jasaiin
- Jaree-Eeto
- Miun-Gei
- Tar-Makka
- Wuja-Lei
- Deep-In-His-Cups
- Iron-Heel
- Makes-No-Soup
- Scattered-Leaves
- Seeks-the-Night
- Sleeps-Beneath-Himself
- Slides-Down-Hills
- Three-Toes
- Among-the-Stars
- Basks-In-Darkness
- Basks-in-Gardens
- Born-Under-Stars
- Branded-Heart
- Calls-to-Nature
- Changer-of-Minds
- Chews-The-Marrow
- Conjures-with-Toes
- Dances-with-Kwama
- Deep-in-Cups
- Deep-Thoughts
- Doubts-the-Moon
- Dreams-of-Honey-and-Gold
- Drifts-On-Wind
- Drops-No-Glass
- Dusk-Scale
- Eats-Many-Hearts
- Evening-Star-Rising
- Eyes-In-Shadow
- Falls-with-Grace
- Far-From-Water
- Fire-From-Nowhere
- Fish-Fingers
- Five-Coins
- Flat-Head
- Flicks-the-Dagger
- Gathers-Dead-Things
- Green-Venom-Tongue
- Hands-That-Heal
- Hard-Scales
- Has-No-Loom
- Hides-His-Eyes
- Hides-His-Foot
- Nibbles-Bums
- Not-Funny-Didn’t-Laugh
- Nothing-Else-Matters
- Not-Your-Kind
- Pays-With-Blood
- Peaks-In-Private
- Pees-in-Pools
- Poisons-the-Parish
- Polishes-His-Spear
- Pour-Some-Sugar-On-Me
- Roots-Bloody-Roots
- Salts-Meals-Liberally
- Sees-No-Problem
- Sell-My-Soul
- Slaps-Daddy
- Smokes-Trees
- So-Guys-We-Did-It
- Sound-Garden
- Spoon-Man
- Stokes-the-Fire
- Swims-Like-Stone
- Takes-Sarcasm-Literally
- Ten-Thousand-Fists
- Thank-You-Kind-Sir
- Tickles-Many-Booties
- Trudges-Through-Snow
- Waddle-Waddles
- Wakes-the-Bear
- What-the
- Why-Are-We-Still-Here
- Why-Are-You-Running
Argonian Names for Females
Let’s now take a look at some examples of Argonian names for female characters according to all three name types.
- Ahaht
- Beewos
- Deeja
- Droran
- Inue
- Keerava
- Numeen
- Padeehei
- Pasha
- Bur-Lei
- Chee-Saak
- Chukka-Li
- Dan-Meesei
- Dosu-Nur
- Keel-Kia
- Neeta-Li
- Oleen-Ta
- Shazara-Ta
- Vetra-Jat
- Eyes-Like-Night
- Good-with-Numbers
- Grayscale
- Heat-On-Scales
- Hides-Her-Heart
- Plucks-the-Coin
- Rising-In-Waters
- Swims-to-Sea
- Two-Tail
- Walks-On-Air
- Wanders-Far
- Hunts-in-Water
- Ice-in-Blood
- Iron-Claws
- Iron-Heel
- Leaks-When-Struck
- Learns-Through-Pain
- Leaves-No-Tracks
- Listens-By-Smell
- Long-Claw
- Looks-Forward
- Lounges-on-Moss
- Loves-the-Water
- Mirrored-Skin
- Moves-Unseen
- Mysteries-of-Trees
- Nimble-Hands
- Pale-Eyes
- Plants-Dreams
- Pray-For-Mercy
- Restless-Tail
- Rising-in-Still-Waters
- Sacred-Sprout
- Scattered-Leaves
- Scouts-Many-Marshes
- Seeks-Better-Deals
- Seeks-the-Dark
- Shimmer-Scales
- Shiny-Trades
- Short-Tail
- Silver-Gills
- Sings-in-Shadows
- Six-Coins
- Slays-No-Dragons
- Smells-Like-Guar
- Smooth-as-Wind
- Snapping-Bog
- Sometimes-Eats-Fire
- Stabs-Through-Hearts
- Stands-In-Still-Water
- Stares-at-Stars
- Still-Waters
- Stings-Like-Serpent
- Strikes-from-Shadows
- Summons-Eyes
- Sun-in-Shadow
- Swift-Tail
- Swims-in-Spells
- Tooth-in-Flesh
- Touches-Keels
- Trades-for-Gold
- Treads-Water-Lightly
- Turns-Tide
- Two-Mugs
- Two-Tail
- Under-Root
- Walks-In-Dry-Places
- Walks-Lonely-Steps
- Walks-on-Water
- Walks-the-Shadows
- Walks-With-Mudcrabs
- Wanders-In-Tatters
- Warm-River
- Watcher-From-Afar
- Watches-The-Roots
- Way-with-Words
- Wine-For-All
- A-Bit-Closer-To-Sovngarde
- Back-In-Black
- Backs-Away-Slowly
- Bait-Of-Dragon
- Beats-Meat
- Craps-His-Tunic
- Dave-the-Argonian
- Deep-Purple
- Dies-a-Lot
- Down-With-the-Sickness
- Drops-The-Soap
- Eats-All-Candy
- Eats-All-The-Things
- Eats-Your-Heart-Out
- Escapes-the-Fate
- Fears-Himself
- Follows-the-Leader
- Git-Gud
- Go-Commit-Die
- Has-Crippling-Depression
- Has-the-High-Ground
- Holy-Mountains
- Interprets-Moods-Poorly
- Killing-Is-My-Business
- Kill-It-With-Fire
- Kiss-My-Hist
- Last-Resort
- Lifts-Heavy-Things
- Me-And-The-Boys

The Most Popular Argonian Names for Males and Females
Let’s now take a look at some of the most popular Argonian names for both male and female characters. The vast majority of these are Tamrielic names.
- Nur-Mewah Caleeteus
- Motuu Pernaresh
- On-Lahs Nisilus
- Unchix-Geh Augusgulus
- Skeeheieeus Caynes
- Antigonius Thefides
- Kia-Keema Neethmesh
- Debameel Xemmus
- Dreeleiez Caleelures
- Meer-Loh Augusdorus
- Macedina Casilus
- Neekka Castus
- Artomeda Theerteus
- Am-Osheeja Theodeseer
- Teromeda Auguscalees
- Er-Deeka Caleeseus
- Naza-Bijum Mesareeth
- Azinar Nagmuseeth
- Chaneej Xernes
- Kiameed Taiersareth
- Jotep-Jat Careeseene
- Deerlus Xertus
- Malem-Naelix Theerseene
- Vistha-Neeti Theomuseeth
- Nikemis Permarush
- Wan-Haj Kaytus
- Onai-Waza Perisareeth
- Meeus-Unchix Xeirgalus
- Xarei Geelrean
- Veeka-Malz Andreemarush
- Jekka-Ree Pehrmean
- Rareel Perilus
- Bura-Jeelus Nefedorees
- Chosumeel Nefemuseeth
- Tehat-Ajim Theones
- Beeheisei Tibersesh
- Azza-Ra Tibersilus
- Resari Pedaresh
- Tseedasi Xerlures
- Deejeeta Pegoulus
- Ukara Caymareen
- Dimik-Meer Mereegoulus
- Dreet-Na Theerseene
- Kus-Mesei Neeththees
- Nutum Careethees
- Lohupeel Caseus
- Xeed-Makka Theermesh
- Veetra-Mesei Agiussareeth
- Kud-Wuja Galdesh
- Mudeska-Sakka Neethnaresh
- Najeepa Augusgoulus
- Halu-Topith Galdaresh
- Jazeez-Mahei Calilures
- Parash Androlus
- Utazaw Galteus
- Heem-Ru Metius
- Chaxolee Nagsar
- Augusticus Nimareen
- Nur-Loh Augussar
- Tlosee Agiusgulus
- Asheemar Nefemarush
- Jeelus Caeleesh
- Kilaya-Omee Theodorus
- Demetricus Caygalus
- Ruul-Osheeka Nicles
- Shuvu Tikeergalus
- Judosyna Nisar
- Naat-J’ram Augustus
- Ahaht-See Canigulus
- Diocleterius Neethdesh
- Skeetees Megoulus
- Taa-Rahu Careeseus
- Athithea Mereeleesh
- Chelm Calitius
- Shanil-Heed Pernaresh
- Waska-Lara Caemareen
- Raj-Crath Niseus
- Adzi-Reet Augeeslus
- Nikomeda Xemdeseer
- Jin-Noyei Caeseus
- Jush-Eix Geelsion
- Hahtsei-Ze Caymesh
- Ianix Theerteus
- Effe-Kilaya Taierlures
- Nomu-Okan Agiusclesh
- Uzeialus Nefelus
- Wanam-Geeh Xeirleesh
- Drakaws Careemesh
- Wareem Caleessius
- Eidu-Taeed Ninaresh
- Beela Caysareth
- Dreevureesh Galseene
- Chalaree Auguscles
- Raniur-Maxath Andreesion
- Xeeka Endoresareth
- Dal-Xil Lafmareen
- Kiurz Careedorus
- Augustos Casteus
- Jas-Wan Casar
- Gah-Saak Nagnaresh
- Diocletukeeus Canissius
- Deeus Caytus
- Weean Kayssius
- Chirkaza Xemmus
- Neeara Tiberdes
- Yintinei Endoretus
- Beem-Zeeus Tikeerseus
- Gin-Maht Andreerean
- Gulum-Ze Nidorees
- Keerasa-Lan Tiberseus
- Amuserei Kaysar
- Hulenum Calisesh
- Tiba’th Caysifon
- Neeterei Tikeerdes
- Chiwithik Tikeerseus
- Geean Andreesilus
- Jeelus-Zish Theerleesh
- Jeelus-Tulm Meseene
- Okan-Julan Theerthees
- Dreet-Jasaiin Pesareth
- Ukaieth Nagdaresh
- Maheul Endoregalus
- Tuleeixth Geelsareth
- Reemeel Tikeermuseeth
- Chunei Cagoulus
- Sissei Casesh
- Keerasa-Ei Thefimus
- Dreet-Shei Nissius
- Geel-Gei Casmean
- Weebam-Lai Agiusmarush
- Ukakeeus Nefemesh
- Demerus Caemuseeth
- Dernesh Perteus
- Claudmeya Pehrcles
- Caligeethus Andreessius
- Nerian Xerleesh
- Junal-Ra Nagdorees
- Gah-Lah Neethmean
- Reeh-Kur Endoresareeth
- Ilas-Tei Tiberdaresh
- Banavee Perdesh
- Hulearee Augusgalus
- Onamee Canisareeth
- Banalz Canides
- Deejayo Calimus
- Neeseeva Nefesar
- Dur-Lak Kaydeseer
- Bur-Slei Xersareth
- Meem-Eji Pehrgulus
- Amee-Ma Neethgulus
- Milha Caydorees
- Naken Agiusmean
- Nuraree Andreeclesh
- Shatalg Androrean
- Shalhaz Peleesh
- Tasatan Neethteus
- Tar-Lari Magmuseeth
- Deesh-Meedish Tikeerdes
- Bur-Mideesh Xersion
- Jid-Deese Andreemuseeth
- Deejeen Pehrsar
- Tashah Casseene
- Euteayo Nimarush
- Shattalg Cayseus
- Witsrava Megalus
- Ahahseidutsei Theerseus
- Meem-Nha Canicles
- Cheenal-Jeen Catius
- Am-Lee Augusmarush
- Amee-Rajee Caleerean